Friday, January 10, 2020

Connect-Azure-PowerShell if there is no existing Connection.

By Using MsolService to connect to Azure PowerShell, could be annoying time to time if unable to validate existing connection. The simple function below will just do that. To make below function work, you will need to adjust “$company” variable to ensure it fits into your environment. Rest of the function is pretty easy to understand.



# Script      : Connect-Azure-PoWerShell.ps1
# Created     : ISE 3.0
# Author(s)   : Casey.Dedeal
# Date        : 01/10/2020 14:39:23
# Org         : ETC Solutions
# File Name   : Connect-Azure-PoWerShell.ps1
# Comments    :
# Assumptions :

SYNOPSIS           : Connect-Azure-PoWerShell.ps1
DESCRIPTION        : O365 Azure PS connect
Acknowledgements   : Open license
Limitations        : None
Known issues       : None
Credits            : Please visit:




  #(1)_.Check to see if any return for Valid cmdlet
  #(1.1)_.Connected to O365 Azure PowerShell Module
  #(1.2)_.Add Vars Modify $company Var
  #(2)_.Catch Errors


function Connect-Azure-PoWerShell

# Connect Azure PowerShell with MsolService if ! Connected

 #(1)_.Check to see if any return for Valid cmdlet
 $session  = Get-MsolDomain -EA SilentlyContinue
 if ($session) {
    #(1.1)_.Connected to O365 Azure PowerShell Module
    Write-Host 'ALREADY Connected: Azure PowerShell' -f Gray -b DarkGreen

   } else {

    #(1.2)_.Add Vars Modify $company Var
     $company   = '@CloudSec365.onmicrosoft.com'
     $adminUser = "$env:USERNAME"
     $UPN =  $adminUser + $company
     Write-Host 'Connecting: Azure PowerShell' -f Gray -b DarkCyan
     $cred  = Get-Credential -Credential $UPN -ErrorAction Stop
     Connect-MsolService -Credential $cred -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null

 #(2)_.Catch Errors
 Write-Host "ERROR FOUND:$($PSItem.ToString())"


Casey, Dedeal
Azure Solutions Architect
AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner


Sunday, January 5, 2020

Check If Module Exist

Here is simple PowerShell script to check if any given module exists or not. We will be using try and catch block to determine the existence of AzureAD module

# Check If module exist

$module = 'AzureAD'
try {
    Import-Module $module -ErrorAction stop
    Write-Host 'Module exists' -f Green
catch {
    Write-Host 'Module does not exist' -f red -b Black

There are other ways to accomplish same results. One other way of doing it would be

#(1)_.Assign Vars
$checkModule = 'MsOnline'
$List = (Get-InstalledModule).name

#(2)_.Check if Module Installed
if ($List -contains $checkModule)

   Write-host 'Module is installed' -f Green -$checkModule


else {

    Write-host 'Module is not installed' -f Red -$checkModule


Another way of checking doing same check;

#(3)_.Check if Module Installed
if (!($List -contains $checkModule))
   Write-host 'Module is not installed' -f Red -$checkModule


else {

   Write-host 'Module is installed' -f Green -$checkModule


Casey DeDeal
Azure Certified Solutions Architect
AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner


Simple Function Do Something

   Use template below to create simple PS function    # Simple Function Do Something # Change $ReportName   function Fu...